Tuesday, May 26, 2015

favorote peice of work in portfolio

My favorite piece of work in my profile you will have to be my nuclear power I chose this essay really hard on it and put a lot of effort into writing it. I planned to work hard enough for a rewarding grade however, despite my goal for success I was not able to provide the grade I needed because of I failed to write the sources correctly. This essay had the potential to score highly but because if a small mistake it didn't. This reflects a bigger lesson to me, in life it's the little mistakes that cost us the most. I also really enjoyed writing the essay since I plan to work in that field.
With time comes improvement. Looking back I realized my Writing is nowhere as advanced as it is today. From my vocabulary to my sentence structure has completely changed into a higher value overtime. I think the biggest and most beneficial improvement would have to be a my time managemen. Last semester my on demand essays would range from 1 to 2 pages. Now my essays run from 3 to 4 pages. This is a big difference because it shows that I develop my thesis, my writing styles, and my thoughts much more faster and then the past. I understand that this is going to help me with  AP test and that even though other aspects in my writing should be improved I'm happy to say that this has. Another improvement in my writing would be the analyzing rhetorical strategies in the prompt. I'm able to find more strategies and refresh them into my essay. Fallacies have especially been one of my favorite devices. My thesis  can be read more clearly in my argument which has become much stronger now and makes the essays evidence concrete.
I think that my portfolio defines a lot about me in many ways. It contains essays showing my opinion and student analysis. It shows my improvement and overall advancement. The organization of my portfolio even reflects my ability to keep track of things throughout then year. The newspaper analysis, on demand essays, and notes on lectures symbolize my value and potential as a student.

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