Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Autobiographical Narrative

     To be honest not much of my family has made it far in school. My mother and father didn't make it to college I know that my mother tried but she just couldn't. The priority has always been work and money. Despite my family's views and unsatisfying history, I see myself to be successful and well accomplished. The difference between them and I is my love for education and my willingness to work hard. I understand that education is a privilege and I cherish every amount of it.

     I expect myself to attend a good university and succeed academically. The major I have chosen is chemical engineering. I fell in love with chemistry the moment I walked into the class in 10th grade. Predictably, my teacher was the one to really open my eyes to the subject. I found myself working extraordinarily hard in that class and enjoyed every second of it including the test taking. I have sure plans. I want to make a difference in the world. Is there a better way to live life? Whether it's creating something chemically or fixing something chemically I will somehow help humanity. Even now I look up to all those who have helped the lives of others.

     I also have other things I'd like to excel in, that aren't quite academic. I am a cheer leader. Currently I'm in high school cheer leading and all-star cheer. Cheer is my life. I'm exceptionally good at it. I plan to be a professional cheerleader, I really do. People find it hard to believe but it's something I really want to do. I won't change my mind about it. Also there is photography I don't want to be a professional photographer but I want to take a college class in the subject.

     To achieve such goals I know I need to be well rounded academically and physically. I need to be confident in myself every way possible. My mother and father fully support me. Especially because she doesn't want me to make the same mistakes she once had. I'm really truly grateful for the support and kindness everyone has bestowed upon me. I will do or be something or someone great. I know I can.

1 comment:

  1. Demonstrates a well thought out and smooth essay. This essay is not a run on and captivates the reader. Few grammar errors exists. Such as in paragraph two you should have written, "I expect that.." rather than," I expect from myself," because you are already speaking in the first person. Other than that, this essay proves to be insightful such as your closing sentence," I will do or be something or someone great. I know i can."
