Tuesday, May 26, 2015


And criticizing hunger between both sides while critics enjoy the current state of society conservationist crave change and better laws in favor of the environment. Wilson classically expresses the utter hatred between the two extremist and their mental stubbornness of compromise. Through the different point of views  Wilson uses certain writing styles to capture and inform the reader of the problem at hand.
"The people first critic stereotypes the environmentalist" is started off by titling conservationist as "enviros" or "environmental wackos". Wilson then uses wackos to refer to the environmentalist. This gives a negative, almost insulting tone, against that environs starting off the passage sharply. The readers develop a unintentional anti-hysteria towards the environmentalist. Wilson uses diction throughout his writing creating constant negative tones against the environmental wackos in attempts of creating a judgment in favor but the critics to the reader. In "The environmentalist stereotypes the people first critics" The environmentalist attempt the same strategy of the critics. To start the passage sharply by calling the critics hypocrites that are not apeasable people. Environmentalist show the contradictions of the critics and their greedy ways. Wilson uses environmentalists good actions in favor of winning the readers liking. He also recovers the critics history of corruption and social ties with big businesses.
On both sides exaggerations are taken way out of proportion to create either hypocritical or mentally unstable view of the opponent. In favor of the critics Wilson uses "real world possibilities" to explain why he reference to environmentalist as wackos. "some Bennington College student with a summer job will find an endangered red spider on your property and before you know what happened that endangered species act will be used to shut you down." Wilson shows the inconveniences of the environmentalist goals and it's disfavor of society. By writing that the person to find the spider is a student from Bennington university gives reality to this hyperbole making it more believable.

favorote peice of work in portfolio

My favorite piece of work in my profile you will have to be my nuclear power I chose this essay really hard on it and put a lot of effort into writing it. I planned to work hard enough for a rewarding grade however, despite my goal for success I was not able to provide the grade I needed because of I failed to write the sources correctly. This essay had the potential to score highly but because if a small mistake it didn't. This reflects a bigger lesson to me, in life it's the little mistakes that cost us the most. I also really enjoyed writing the essay since I plan to work in that field.
With time comes improvement. Looking back I realized my Writing is nowhere as advanced as it is today. From my vocabulary to my sentence structure has completely changed into a higher value overtime. I think the biggest and most beneficial improvement would have to be a my time managemen. Last semester my on demand essays would range from 1 to 2 pages. Now my essays run from 3 to 4 pages. This is a big difference because it shows that I develop my thesis, my writing styles, and my thoughts much more faster and then the past. I understand that this is going to help me with  AP test and that even though other aspects in my writing should be improved I'm happy to say that this has. Another improvement in my writing would be the analyzing rhetorical strategies in the prompt. I'm able to find more strategies and refresh them into my essay. Fallacies have especially been one of my favorite devices. My thesis  can be read more clearly in my argument which has become much stronger now and makes the essays evidence concrete.
I think that my portfolio defines a lot about me in many ways. It contains essays showing my opinion and student analysis. It shows my improvement and overall advancement. The organization of my portfolio even reflects my ability to keep track of things throughout then year. The newspaper analysis, on demand essays, and notes on lectures symbolize my value and potential as a student.

Found Poem

My amazing found poem.....
The rock weighed heavy in my hand
Everyone was throwing them
The men in black were enraged

I was still holding the rock
A cloud exploded
My eyes burned, they stung with pain

The men in black flooded over us
The beatings began
He grabbed me, I tried to run

I'm still holding my rock
The man in black chased me
I threw my rock

Logical Fallacies are an important factor when it comes to analyzing persuasive writing. Certain Fallacies pertain to give readers specific emotion and contrast towards the authors main moral. Here's a site with some Fallacies.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Creativity essay #1

English, per.4

Dear school board,

Can creativity truly be taught? Creativity is developed from inspiration, experience, and improvisation. It's seen as different thinking, to consider the "hidden options" in every situation. If we all sat in a class room and were taught lessons of creativity, it'd no longer be creativity we'd be learning. Creative inventions or ideas are original and specific to that individual. It's not the same as history or English. There isn't a right or wrong.

Today, if a person is good at athletics or smart it's seen as a talent, a gift. But the difference with that and creativity is to be good at athletics you'd have to train in that sport for a long period of time. Also to be really smart you have to study constantly. As for creativity, it comes naturally. Something your born with. We are taught to be smart and trained to be an athlete. This allows us to be tested on these areas. However creativity is not the same. Throughout our history people have made it clear that we are not the same yet we are all equal.

There are different forms of creativity. One can be creative in drawing with colors and designs, in math with manipulation of numbers and shapes. Both are completely different yet still considered as creative. A class can not teach us these things. Yes classes are beneficial in teaching us other subjects but it's not the same. With creativity anything can be great. 

Authors Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman reported that a test has been distributed to millions to analyze their creativity levels. Test creativity? How does one do that when there are so many different forms of the subject itself. There is no one way of being creative. People today are creative in dance, art, music, building, cooking, etc.... Everyone has their hobbies and are somehow creative in doing them. You can't just tell a person they aren't creative because they didn't pass the "creativity test". Walt Disney, one of the most creative men in history, was fired from his job. His boss claimed that he lacked creativity. Walt Disney made millions of dollars because he created Mickey Mouse which led to Disney productions eventually leading to Disneyland. Walt Disney became a multimillionaire because of his creativity. He is proof that there is no true judgment in whether a person is creative or not.

Why go through the trouble of creating a class about creativity when it cannot be taught. Today many schools need classes like speech, journalism, government, etc. Students have asked and petitioned for other needed classes, it'd be foolish to give them a class that's unrealistic. Creativity cannot be taught, but that's okay. We have built and achieved the impossible making us the most extraordinary race to have ever existed on earth. And we did it without classes on "how to be creative".

Advertisment essay

AP Language P.4
25 October 2014
Today’s goal of all advertisers is to sell their product. They use the popularity of celebrities to endorse the item hoping it will win the interest of the public. Sue Jozui expresses her clear disapproval calling this method “misleading” and “insulting” to the public intelligence. Products aren’t always as good as they seem. Celebrities make great profit when advertising an item, as a potential customer we should consider this before any purchase. Jozui ideals that the people should exercise their first amendment and protest against the trickery. Today’s society is constantly being infected with deceit; legislating rules for advertisers would be a small step for a more absolute future.
Katy Perry, Emma Stone, Jennifer Lopez, and more have all been featured on Loreal makeup advertisements. These well known big stars say it’s the best brand and they use it all the time. Today you can find Loreal makeup at Walgreens even Rite Aid where the product is constantly on sale. Most of these stars don’t use Loreal makeup; they go for the more expensive brands like MAC and Sephora. They make so much money in their industry they have no reason to limit themselves to a product of lesser value. In fact, just this morning I was told Kelly Clarkson is so well off she pays an assistant to walk behind her just in case she falls. Even in tabloids stars are pictured wearing high priced clothing that could pay for a student’s college fund.  Celebrities only do advertisements for the extra money most of them don’t even need. Jennifer Aniston was caught walking the streets with a different brand of water after just advertising for Smart Water. Corporations know the celebrity doesn’t actually use their product but they want their fame and popularity to be shared on to the item.
A tactic many corporations also use is free bees. After a star has just endorsed their item, the company sends them free products hoping they’ll be seen in public with them. In the movie “The Game Plan” main character, Joe, is told to eat at bob’s burgers after he wins the game, when his daughter (8-10 years old) hears about this she then tells her dad that Bob’s Burgers gives you gas. In the movie Bob is very fit and doesn’t eat that type of food. He then wants to set a good example for his daughter and refuses to endorse the product. However, he made the morally right choice, his agent was very upset because of the money Joe could have made. If the daughter wouldn’t have said anything Joe would have eaten the burger.
Setting laws for advertisers is only the appropriate thing to do. People only have so much money and most likely don’t want to use it on things of bad quality. We trust celebrities to be truthful and that’s what makes them so much money. Even with regular advertisements the faults of the product are in small fine print that’s almost impossible to read. If advertisers were given limits to how they could endorse their product there would be so many lawsuits against the bad product.  

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Autobiographical Narrative

     To be honest not much of my family has made it far in school. My mother and father didn't make it to college I know that my mother tried but she just couldn't. The priority has always been work and money. Despite my family's views and unsatisfying history, I see myself to be successful and well accomplished. The difference between them and I is my love for education and my willingness to work hard. I understand that education is a privilege and I cherish every amount of it.

     I expect myself to attend a good university and succeed academically. The major I have chosen is chemical engineering. I fell in love with chemistry the moment I walked into the class in 10th grade. Predictably, my teacher was the one to really open my eyes to the subject. I found myself working extraordinarily hard in that class and enjoyed every second of it including the test taking. I have sure plans. I want to make a difference in the world. Is there a better way to live life? Whether it's creating something chemically or fixing something chemically I will somehow help humanity. Even now I look up to all those who have helped the lives of others.

     I also have other things I'd like to excel in, that aren't quite academic. I am a cheer leader. Currently I'm in high school cheer leading and all-star cheer. Cheer is my life. I'm exceptionally good at it. I plan to be a professional cheerleader, I really do. People find it hard to believe but it's something I really want to do. I won't change my mind about it. Also there is photography I don't want to be a professional photographer but I want to take a college class in the subject.

     To achieve such goals I know I need to be well rounded academically and physically. I need to be confident in myself every way possible. My mother and father fully support me. Especially because she doesn't want me to make the same mistakes she once had. I'm really truly grateful for the support and kindness everyone has bestowed upon me. I will do or be something or someone great. I know I can.